Download Torrent Raspberry Pi Terminal

How to Download Torrent using Terminal October 15, 2013 Raj Amal Ubuntu 10 Comments In this post we are going to you show you how to download torrent in Linux using terminal. An always on torrent box that periodically checks for new torrents as defined and download them. What we will be using: • Raspberry pi 3 model b with Raspbian Jessie installed. • Official raspberry pi 3 PSU as third party PSU’s may not provide enough power • External HDD. Make Your Own TorrentBox From a Pi: Here you can read how to build a 24/7 running torrent server created a Raspberry Pi. All steps will be explained below. If you want a very low power-consumed server which can share your torrents by all day-and-night.

In this post we are going to you show you how to download torrent in Linux using terminal. This method is useful when your PC has limited amount of memory (RAM), also if you have a VPS it would be really helpful to download. Here we are going to use a application called rTorrent to download torrent via terminal and I am using Ubuntu Linux 13.04 distribution. Just follow the instructions step by step to download torrent via terminal.


1.Open the Terminal.
2.Download rTorrent using the command in terminal in debian based systems.

sudo apt-get install rtorrent

To download rTorrent in fedora based systems use this command.

yum install rtorrent

3.After installing rTorrent open it using the command rtorrent in terminal. It opens rTorrent UI.

4.Press “Enter” it will show “load.normal>” at the bottom of the window.
5.Now copy the URL of torrent file and paste it. For example “”. Then press enter.
6.It loads the torrent and it will not download.

7.Press Down or Up arrow key to select the loaded torrent and then Press “Ctrl+S”. The selected torrent will be denoted by “*” symbol.
8.Now your torrent starts downloading.

9.To stop the torrent use “Ctrl+D”.
10.To quit from rTorrent use “Ctrl+Q”.


Any questions comment here

Raj Amal is an Android Developer. He Loves to code and explores new technologies. He also authored a book Learning Android Google Maps
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Step-by-step instruction of running uTorrent on Raspberry Pi 2
using ExaGear Desktop

In this post we will tell about how to run popular torrent client uTorrent on Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 are based on ARM microprocessor which is not supported by uTorrent. But it is possible to run uTorrent on Raspberry Pi 2 using virtual machine called ExaGear Desktop which allows to run x86 apps on Raspberry Pi 2/3.

Below is simple instruction how to run uTorrent on your RPi and make from your RPi uTorrent server.

Raspberry Pi test stand configuration


Raspberry Pi 2 Model B


900 MHz



Operating System

Raspbian from May 2015


uTorrent Server 3.3

Eltechs ExaGear Desktop for Raspberry Pi 2 v1.1

uTorrent installation instruction

Install ExaGear Desktop

1. Download ExaGear Desktop archive with installation packages and license key. Open command-line Terminal and unpack downloaded archive using the following command:

2. Install and activate ExaGear on your ARM device by running script in a directory with deb packages and one license key:

Launch guest x86 system

3. Enter the guest x86 system using the following command:

4. Now you are in x86 environment that can be checked by running ‘arch’ command:

5. It is recommended to update apt-get repositories on the first launch of the guest system:

Install uTorrent

6. Download the latest uTorrent Server from here:

You need to download uTorrent Server for Debian 32-bit.

7. Extract uTorrent Files to the /opt directory:

8. Set permission on uTorrent Server folder:

Raspberry Pi Terminal Emulator

9. Run the command to link uTorrent Server to the /user/bin directory:

Raspberry Pi Zero

Run uTorrent

10. Start uTorrent Server:

Note: If you get an error about package missing, run the command below to install it, then try starting uTorrent Server again:

11. Open Firefox and browse to the URL: http://localhost:8080/gui

The username is admin and leave the password field empty.

Raspberry Pi Projects

Final notes

It is worth to note that with ExaGear Desktop you can run other x86 apps on Raspberry Pi 2. ExaGear also supports first generation of Raspberry Pi and another ARM-based devices such as Odroid, Banana Pi, Beagleboard, Cubox, Jetson, Cubieboard etc.

Download Torrent Raspberry Pi Terminal 4

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ExaGear is registered trademark of Eltechs, Inc. Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Other trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners.