Insanity Cardio Power And Resistance Download

Insanity challenge Day 8 is Cardio Power & Resistance one of the most insane workouts in the set. Lot's of power and plyo to get your heart rate up. The Insanity calendar is an extreme 60 day at home total body workout. Over the course of this schedule, you'll take on gruelling cardio and plyometric drills that are coupled with intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. Here you can download 03 cardio power amp resistance flv shared files: 03 Cardio Power & Resistance.MP4 from 281.35 MB, Insanity 03 cardio power amp resistance flv from (107 MB), 03 cardio power amp resistance flv from (101 MB).

Download the Insanity Workout Schedule here.

You can use that Calendar or you can also bookmark this page and come back to it anytime to see what is on the Insanity Workout Schedule for the day.

The Insanity Workout schedule below is the exact same schedule that is provided when you purchase Insanity. However, you can always modify it to suit your needs. If you’re body is not up for the workout routine, skip a routine, or do a modified workout.

The important thing is to keep going. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day or two. In fact, giving your body a rest from time is a not a bad idea as it will allow your body to recover and repair those muscle fibers from the previous days workout.

Insanity Workout Calendar Month 1

In month 1, Shaun T will introduce you to the Insanity workout program. The exercises and moves in the Insanity schedule is designed to workout different parts of your body each day. Each day will focus on different types of fitness moves so that your body will continue to be challenged. The toughest part about Insanity is sticking with the schedule. It’s important to develop a routine in your schedule so that you can dedicate a designated time for you to perform your exercises. Thus, you should write down in a calendar what your workout routine is going to be each day. This way you are committing to yourself that you are going to stick to this Insanity schedule.

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 1

Day 1: Dig Deeper and Insanity Fit Test (Approx 30 minutes)

Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 3: Cardio Power & Resistance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 4: Cardio Recovery (Approx 35 minutes)

Day 5: Pure Cardio (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 6: Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Approx 40 minutes)


Day 7: Rest Day

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 2

Day 8: Cardio Power & Resistance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 9: Pure Cardio (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 10: Plyometric Cardio Circuit(Approx 40 minutes)

Day 11: Cardio Recovery (Approx 35 minutes)

Day 12: Cardio Power & Resistance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 13: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs (Approx 60 minutes)

Day 14: Rest Day

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 3

Day 15: Insanity Fit Test (Approx 25 minutes)

Day 16: Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 17: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs (Approx 60 minutes)

Day 18: Cardio Recovery (Approx 35 minutes)

Day 19: Cardio Power & Resistance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 20: Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 21: Rest Day

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 4

Day 22: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs (Approx 60 minutes)

Cardio Power And Resistance Download

Day 23: Cardio Power & Resistance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 24: Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 25: Cardio Recovery (Approx 35 minutes)

Day 26: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs (Approx 60 minutes)

Day 27: Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 28: Rest Day

Insanity Workout Schedule Recovery Week

After a tough month of Insanity your body will most likely need some time to recover. However, just because the name is “recovery week” doesn’t mean that you will back on the couch relaxing again. The Core Cardio & Balance workout is still a routine that will get your body moving and grooving with Shaun T. However, the workout will be less intense so it will allow your body and muscles to recover.

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 5

Day 29: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 30: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 31: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 32: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 33: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 34: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 35: Rest Day

Insanity cardio power and resistance download torrent

Insanity Workout Calendar Month 2

Alright, now that you survived month 1 and recovery week… the next thing on the schedule for month 2 are new workout DVD’s. These new fitness routines will really step things up. If you thought month 1 was insane month 2 is flat out fitness crazy. Don’t let this scare you though, Shaun T wouldn’t offer you this if he didn’t think you could finish it. It will definitely take some heart and dedication to get through these routines, but the finish line is only a couple weeks away, so keep pushing play.

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 6

Day 36: Insanity Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit ( Approx 85 minutes)

Day 37: Max Interval Plyometrics (Approx 55 minutes)

Day 38: Max Cardio Conditioning (Approx 50 minutes)

Day 39: Max Recovery (Approx 50 minutes)

Day 40: Max Interval Circuit (Approx 60 minutes)

Day 41: Max Interval Plyometrics (Approx 55 minutes)

Day 42: Rest Day

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 7

Day 43: Max Cardio Conditioning (Approx 5o minutes)

Day 44: Max Interval Circuit (Approx 60 minutes)

Day 45: Max Interval Plyometrics (Approx 55 minutes)

Day 46: Max Recovery (Approx 50 minutes)

Day 47: Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs (Approx 70 minutes)

Day 48: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx Approx 40 minutes)

Day 49: Rest Day

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 8

Day 50: Insanity Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit (Approx 85 minutes)

Day 51: Max Interval Plyometrics (Approx 55 minutes)

Day 52: Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs (Approx 70 minutes)

Day 53: Max Recovery (Approx 50 minutes)

Day 54: Max Interval Circuit (Approx 60 minutes)

Day 55: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 56: Rest Day

Insanity Workout Schedule: Week 9

Day 57: Max Interval Plyometrics (Approx 55 minutes)

Day 58: Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs (Approx 70 minutes)

Day 59: Max Interval Circuit (Approx 60 minutes)

Day 60: Core Cardio & Balance (Approx 40 minutes)

Day 61: Max Interval Plyometrics (Approx 55 minutes)

Day 62: Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs (Approx 70 minutes)

Day 63: Insanity Fit Test (Approx 25 minutes)

If you have completed month 2 of the Insanity Workout then you have achieved something that most people wouldn’t dare even start. Congratulations! A lot of people who finished the Insanity workout feel a huge sense of accomplishment and are proud to wear the Insanity T-Shirt. Once you have completed the second month make sure you take your after photos and measurements and you will be amazed at how much your body and fitness has changed since you first started this program only 2 months ago.

As mentioned before don’t forget to bookmark the Insanity Workout Schedule page for future reference. It is also important to follow the Insanity Nutrition Guide along your Insanity workout program to get maximum results. To learn more about the program you can read my Insanity Workout Review article. I wish you much success with your Insanity Workout Program.

Insanity Cardio Power And Resistance Exercises

We also have other great Shaun T resources like the Focus T25 Workout Schedule and the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide.

I hope that this Insanity Workout Schedule and Calendar was helpful to keep you stay on track with your fitness goals.

The Insanity Workout program focuses on intense cardio, so naturally the third day of the Insanity Workout Schedule is “Cardio Power and Resistance”. By the time you get to this Insanity Workout your body will be pretty sore from the previous two days of the Insanity Fit Test and Plyometric Cardio Circuit. But, don’t let that discourage you… if anything this should help you realize that the Insanity Workout is not for the feint of hearts. But, if you want a ripped body and flat abs it will take some hardwork.

What Does Cardio Power and Resistance Entail?

This workout is about 40 minutes of Max-Interval-Training of good solid Cardio. “Cardio” basically means an exercise that involves aerobic exercise that works your cardiovascular system. Cardio Power and Resistance will get your heart racing so it is important to use a heart rate monitor.

Quick Tips for Cardio Power and Resistance

1. Rest When Needed: Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance is an intense workout so make sure you go at your own pace. Don’t let your ego get in the way of your success. Its perfectly normal to push pause or rest in between sets. You have to remember that the people in the video have already completed the 60 day workout program so naturally they are use to the intensity.

2. Check Your Heart Rate: Heart Rate monitors help you evaluate when you’re body is at its peak performance, but it can also help you identify if you are overexerting yourself.

3. Warm-up and Stretch: The Insanity Workout program always starts with a good warm-up and stretch routine. Warm-up and stretching helps prevent injuries and helps loosen up your muscles to prepare for Cardio Power and Resistance training.

4. Keep Your Core Tight: Your “core” is your ab muscles. It is important to keep your abs tight as it will help support your lower back from injury and strain. This will also help keep your body balanced and strengthen your mid-section.

5. Land Softly When Jumping: Cardio Power and Resistance training involves some jump exercises. Make sure you land softly and land with your knees bent to absorb the impact. Some of the jump exercises can be considered high impact. If you have weak knees make sure you do modified movements to lessen the impact.

6. Breathe Consistently: Make sure while exercising to keep a consistent breathing pattern. This helps get oxygen to your muscles and prevents cramping.

Cardio Power and Resistance Warm-up: 10 minutes

1. Jog in Place – jogging in place will help warm-up your legs, arms and get your heart pumping.

2. Power Jacks – this is a modified jumping jack this “half jumping-jack, half squat”

3. Log Jumps – this warm-up exercise is exactly as it sounds. Imagine yourself jumping over a log from side to side.

4. 123 Heisman – if anyone has ever watched NFL Football then you would know where the terminology Heisman comes from. This exercise involves balancing on one leg while the other leg raises the knee.

5. Butt Kicks – this is another jogging in place exercise but focusing on extending your feet to kick your butt.

6. High Knees – jog in place but focus on lifting your knees as high as you can to the front of your body.

7. Vertical Jumps – this exercise will help warm up your legs to prepare for the impact of the jumping exercises.

Equipment for Cardio Power and Resistance

1. Towel: to wipe off sweat and keep the floor dry

2. Water Bottle: to keep proper hydration

3. Cross-Training Shoes: to provide proper support

4. Workout Clothes: preferable shorts and T-shirts that are drt-fit

5. Heart Rate Monitor: to get your body to the right heart rate to get optimal results.

Insanity Cardio Power And Resistance Download Youtube

6. DVD and TV: or Laptop computer to play the Insanity Fit Test Video

Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance Review

The Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout is what Insanity is all about. Everything you see in the infomercials is true. High intense cardio with minimal rest. The good news is the workout is about 40 minutes long, which consists of about 10 minute warm-up and also 10 minute stretching. So basically the workout is only about 17 minutes long and 3 minute cool down routine.

The hardest exercise in this routine is the “Power Jumps” if you have weak knees make sure you do a modified movement like calf raise into a squat. This will help minimize injuries until your legs strengthen. There is some resistance training that trains your triceps and shoulders. The shoulder exercises are angled “V-pushups” that will help you build your shoulder muscles. The Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout is repeated several times during the first month. But, after you complete you will definitely feel a sense of accomplishment because it is unlike any cardio workout you have done before.

Did you complete the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance training?

If so, share your thoughts and reviews in the comment section below. Keep it going all you Insanity Workout Fanatics!